Getting the most out of your product.

Thank you for your purchase!

The purpose of this page is to help you get the most out of your product.

Did you know? The cable and power adapter are located below the device.

Your journey to increased happiness and health starts now.

Let us get started!

First things first, you should place your device in a location that you wish to monitor. You can move the device later to a new location as much as you want. If you move it to an entirely new home or location, it needs to be calibrated again. The device can be calibrated at anytime from the Settings page located at the URL on the bottom of your device.

Once your device has been placed and plugged in, there is a QR code on the bottom of the device as well as a URL. Scan the QR code, or type the URL into any web browser on your phone, computer, tablet, or anything that can access the Internet.

You will be immediately brought to a website that contains all the information from this device. We affectionately refer to this as the Dashboard.

Configure alerts for your device.

To get the most out of this device, it is recommended to go to the Settings page and enter in all of your information. Here is where you can also enable different alerts. We found that the email alerts and the text message alerts are most valuable. This will allow the IAQ device to send you a text message when something is wrong with your air. This could be a high temperature, low humidity, mold detected, or flammable gasses are found. Get notified in real-time with these settings.

After that, you can visit this dashboard as much as you want to see the data from your IAQ device. You can also share this URL with a friend or family member so they can see the data as well. No registration necessary!

Optional Helpful Tips


Each device has a cellular connection to make setup as easy as possible.

However, you can connect your device to your homes wireless network to improve functionality. Connecting the device to your wireless network will increase the frequency that the device checks for air quality issues, allowing you to be notified quicker.

To do this, use your phone within approximately 10 meters of the device, and connect to a wireless network named "IAQ_Wifi_Configuration". There is no password required. Once connected, open your favorite website browser such as Chrome or Safari, and type this into the address bar and hit enter/return. You will be brought to a page to enter your homes wireless network credentials. After you're done entering your credentials, click "Save and restart". That is it!


By default, the color the device shows when the air quality is good is green. This can be changed on the Settings page of your dashboard.


By enabling the webhook, all data sent from the device will be also sent to this URL.

The body of the POST request is a JSON payload containing all the sensor readings, an example payload is below:

    "temperature": 25,
    "humidity": 43,
    "iaq": 94,
    "voc": 1,
    "co2": 757,
    "gas": 178087,
    "pm1": 11,
    "pm25": 13,
    "pm10": 13,
    "radon": 0,
    "mq7": 0,
    "mq4": 0,
    "mold": 0,
    "smoke": 0,
    "co": 0

The name of the device that the data is from is located in a header value. The name of the header is "device-name".

The webhook call from our system has a short timeout of 5 seconds. If the request is not processed the call will be terminated. Only one attempt is made to send the data.


Your device is calibrated already, but it can be calibrated at any point by going to the Settings page and clicking the calibrate button towards the bottom of the page.

This is helpful if you move the device a long distance, such as to a different home or place of business. Additionally, if you notice the data seems inaccurate, it can be recalibrated to fix the accuracy.

The device should always be calibrated in good air quality. Open a window, turn on the HVAC air circulation, and avoid spraying any chemicals near the device. Calibration takes about 10 minutes.